
Up-close and Personal

So today has been one of those days. I was sitting at starbucks because I figured I needed a jump start to my morning and realized I had drank my whole cup of coffee and still felt like I needed another one. And knowing me I so could have downed another one. Even an hour later I still feel like the caffine didn't work. Anyway, I have been dying to post this post ever since I came up with the idea, and now I just need to get it out there and make it stop being a draft! Seriously, this is what got me through my math class this morning. Here it is:

Okay. I just decided that this blog needs to get more interactive and honestly I need a bit of feed back. So this is what's going to happen.  By commenting on this blog, messaging me on Facebook (which is probably the best way), texting me, emailing me, calling me or just asking me in person, I want you all to ask me questions about my blog, how I go about blogging, or my life in general. Also, include your favorite post (catch up on your reading!!!) you've read or any other comments you want to say. Please give me feedback, suggestions or post requests too!

Please keep the questions appropriate, real, serious and even funny and weird (well, not too weird...), and I'll do my best to answer all of them. I'll give everyone a week and a half from two days after I post this to get the questions in to me--send them anytime! So catch up on all your reading so you'll know what I'm talking about on my blog (like I ever really know what I'm talking about, but whatever). To tie it all in, I'll do a Q & A post, including most of your questions once they're all in. I will continue to post throughout this time...I don't know about what, but I'm sure I'll find something...

Can't wait to hear them! (See why I'm so excited?)

Favorite Post

Deadline for this round of questions: October 21st

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