

I love songs with unique lyrics, lyrics that really mean something and say it exactly how it is. The band Rend Collective Experiment is my new favorite group because of the sound of their music and their down to earth lyrics. Check out some of the songs that are now my everyday soundtrack to my life. Seriously, I had a dream where one of their songs was playing like background music.

(Hint: Check the video bar on the right side of the screen...)

I wanna stand true
No matter what's new or comes through
I cant stand still
Whatever hits I'll keep making movements to You

I'm running fast and free to you because you are the movement and fight in me,
I'm running fast and free to you because you are my home where I want to be, you've moving me


You are my vision
Oh King of my heart
Nothing else satisfies only you Lord
You are my best thought by day or by night
Waking or sleeping

My Vision

Oh, your cross it changes everything
There my world begins again with you
Oh, my cross it changes everything
Where my hope restarts
A second chance is heaven heart

Second Chances

I'll walk the narrow road because it leads me to you,
I'll fall but grace will pick me up again,
I've counted up the cost,
I've counted up the cost,
Yes, and you are worth it

I do not need safety as much as I need you
You are dangerous but oh your beautiful
I'll chase you through the pain
I'll carry my cross
Because real love is not afraid to bled

My favorite:
The Cost

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