
Thinking of Honduras #2 My Thoughts

Recently, I have had two realizations when it comes to thinking about Honduras.

One is working through a worry:
What if I don't come back?

What would happen if I was called to stay? I am at the point now where I would know better than to disobey God if my heart really knew where He wanted me. I've done this before and it never, ever, turns out well.

But that would mean leaving, or taking a temporary longer stay....

Wait. Why would I count going where I am called a loss? Isn't what the Lord provides so much substantially more that what we [our flesh] want, know, or consider safe? And what ever happened to Philippians 3:7-15?  What the heck?

Anyway, this fear is no longer a fear because I now understand that I am very well taken care of by someone who is a Caretaker. And I want to be where ever He wants me to be. :)

Secondly, I am so unbearably excited about this trip that I'm having a hard time thinking of anything else that has ever gotten me so excited. :)

1 comment:

  1. :) He is a wonderful, wonderful Caretaker, isn't He?
