
What I Want

Steadfast--something unwavering, dutifully firm.

What I want now is a steadfast heart. Something that clings to His light and walks towards my Lord and embraces my God-designed purpose. My prayer now is Psalms 51:10: "Create in me a clean heart O God, and put a new and steadfast spirit within me," and my reason, Psalms 63:3: "Because your steadfast love is better than life".

Look at Psalms 136. Read it all. You see the format? Well, take out a piece of paper and number it one to ten.  On the odds, write down those looming uncertainties. Something about you, or about your life--just whatever you're going through right now. Or maybe a piece of your past that's scary to recall. I know one of mine is that I worry I don't listen enough. On all the even number lines, write "for His steadfast love endures forever". Reread this list until it becomes real to you. Until you get it through your head that His love overshadows ever problem and prayer on your list and how much He loves you.

Now, I know some of you don't have  piece of paper in your hand right now because you are too much like me--read what they want you to write and then say to yourself "Well I don't have to do it because I understand the concept." No. That doesn't fly. GO get some paper. Even I got some paper. And a pen. Don't forget a pen.

How He Loves
David Crowder

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