

Christ Community Chaos

I miss the lively chaos that is Christ Community.

Don't get me wrong though, the kind of chaos that CCC enfolds is the good kind. It's the way people are constantly moving around and always smiling. It's when you hear bits and pieces of conversations while walking down the hall and you almost feel as if you are apart of each one. It's when time seems to stop as you pause to talk to a person. Its when you hear kids running around, and they come up and give you hugs--which just melts my heart.

Dang, I miss it a lot.

Usually it doesn't take me long to write a post, and I just type it and save it. But on this one I really had to choose my words carefully.  I guess it's just hard to articulate how unique CCC is to me. I do want to say thank you to all those who have been reading my blog and those of you who told me so. It's very encouraging. :D

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